Petestack Blog

21 April 2009

Tweaked calf?

Filed under: Running — admin @ 9:46 pm

Having spent quite a few days of the past fortnight rock climbing but kept myself running on every day I wasn’t out on the rock, I’d hoped to manage a run on absolutely every day this week including something short before tomorrow evening’s proposed first Polldubh Club outdoor meet. But, after starting as I meant to continue last night with a favourite (sub) 60 minute hill circuit taking the ‘yellow’ trail up past the Grey Mare’s Waterfall to where it meets the landrover track at the Hugh McNeill memorial bench before following the track back past the estate cottage, Mamore Lodge and TV mast to descend the West Highland Way, I found myself with this slight niggle to my left calf. Possibly something to do with Sunday’s slightly harder climbing (feels more like I’ve been front-pointing steep ice than climbing rock!) and probably not very serious at all, but maybe enough to stop me running for a couple of days (had to skip tonight) and a bit annoying when I was fully prepared to kick myself out of the house come rain or shine and quite late into my busy evenings (taking my group at the Ice Factor yesterday and meeting parents at school tonight).

Still intending to go climbing tomorrow (have a massed 50th Anniversary ascent of Ian Clough’s Wanderlust in mind) if it’s outdoor weather, but will tread carefully, skip it if indoors and hope to get running again ASAP after that.

1 Comment

  1. […] star it doesn’t get, but that’s all I’ve got time to say right now because the calf’s feeling a little better and it’s running time […]

    Pingback by Polldubh guides, Wanderlust and Curse « Petestack Blog — 23 April 2009 @ 5:10 pm

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