Petestack Blog

3 August 2017

Stripping slime

Filed under: Sailing — admin @ 2:20 pm

Yesterday, as well as ‘finishing’ the paint stripping job in Fly’s main cabin, I took the pressure washer to her decks and topsides… not for a really thorough clean when she keeps getting filthy sitting there long-term (already been cleaned several times during this lay-up period!) and the time for proper cleaning and (where appropriate) polishing is after the winter, but still looking and feeling much the better for it (compare 2015/16’s window aperture and window fitting photos).

Might also point out the cable crossing from house to boat in the second and last photos; I had an IP66 double socket put in up there when I was getting the sheds wired up, so safe ‘permanent’ power when Fly’s there and simply unplug when she’s not!

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